4D Chart v13

CT Place picture


4D Chart v13
CT Place picture

CT Place picture 


CT Place picture ( area ; picture ; left ; top ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D Chart area
picture  Picture in 4D picture to place
left  Real in Left coordinate, in points from left
top  Real in Top coordinate, in points from top
Function result  Longint in The picture's Object ID

CT Place picture pastes picture into area at a point determined by left and top and returns the picture’s object ID.

picture must be a valid 4D picture expression.


This example pastes the contents of the Picture field [Logos]Logo into Area for the specified company.

 MyRequest:=Request("Which company’s logo do you want?")
    If(Records in selection([Logos]>0)
       $NewPict:=CT Place picture(Area;[Logos]Logo;10;10)
       ALERT("This company does not exist.")
    End if
 End if


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: CT Objects
Number: 14562


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Chart 1